
Cason Kids Care Beach Cleanup with Beach Keepers.

Block Support Program

Beach Keepers Inc. isn’t stopping at the shoreline! Their Block Support Program tackles the heart of Delray Beach, keeping the downtown area sparkling clean and free of debris. This ongoing initiative benefits the community in multiple ways.

A clean downtown fosters a welcoming atmosphere for residents, visitors, and potential businesses. It also reduces hazards for pedestrians and creates a more pleasant experience for everyone. Additionally, a clean environment discourages further littering, promoting a sense of community pride and responsibility for maintaining a beautiful Delray Beach.

Sunday Cleanup Volunteers at Delray Beach.

Student Debt Initiative Program

The Beach Keepers Inc Student Debt Initiative Program offers college students the opportunity to help our community by abating pollution while receiving financial support towards their student debts and educational needs.

The program offers students the chance to receive up to $800 monthly (up to 40 hours per month) by completing tasks such litter abatement, administrative duties, social media content, and raising awareness of the critical issue of pollution.

Florida 89th House District Representatives Mike Caruso at EJS Project Block Party.

Community Outreach Program

In an effort to tackle local challenges, Beach Keepers Inc. previously ran a successful community outreach program that addressed hunger and unemployment simultaneously. The program provided work opportunities for citizens in need, who participated in beach cleanups and maintenance projects.

This not only beautified the coastline but also offered participants a chance to earn income while contributing to their community. The program further bolstered the community by offering participants meals, ensuring they were well-nourished while gaining valuable work experience. This initiative provided a much-needed safety net for struggling citizens, fostering a sense of pride and environmental responsibility within the community.

Ocean Inlet Park cleanup with Boca St. Andrews School (Boca Raton).
Ocean Inlet Park cleanup with Boca St. Andrews School (Boca Raton).
